Monday, April 28, 2008

Dreams fall on my head,
biting me from my own bed!
Dreams scream at my sanity,
which leads me like much profanity!

I dream destiny!
I dream up an adorable wife!
At least four children!
I have this dream!

To spread the Hope Over Dope!
I mean, the good news of destiny!
I mean, the reconciliation from Dr. Love!
I mean, the rejuvenation of the eternal revolution!

In other words, I want to be that mouth!
To tell people what they must hear!
I want to be those hands!
To get people what they need!

But in doing so through love!
Through emphasizing grace over justice!

I want to be used!
By my Creator and Savior!
I want to love Him with all of my life!
I want to make a difference!

Even if that means "Sacrifice!"
I can help one other person!
And that will be success!
Making a difference for another individual!
Because it is not about the numbers!
Quality comes before quantity!

My dream is to be a mouth!
My dream is to be all that I can be!

May my words draw people to truth!
May my art point people to the light!
May my movies open our ears!
May my life press others to do the same!

My dream is to use what I have!
To be what I am!
To learn from the past!
But to continue soaring to destiny!

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