Friday, April 24, 2009


Turn The Music Down!

This dream choke me awake.
In the dream, I was at the library.
Listening to music on a computer.
Was it too loud?
The librarian told me to turn it down?
Wait, then she told me turn it up?
Then she plugged my nose.
I could not breath.
She told me to shut up.
It was about eight in the morning in the real world.
I went to bed around three in the morning.
Did I have too much icecream in real life?
How did I wake up?

The dream took place at the Portland Central Library, which was, at second place, the Forest Grove Library, and thirdly, it had hints of the Cornelius Library.

The librarian was not young, so it was not cute, at all, that she plugged up my nose with her fifty year old hands. I did not recognize her but I imagine her to a cross between all the librarians that I have met in my life.

I was just on the computer. All I remember was that I was listening to music. It was fine. I think I know how to listen to music. Really! But she came up to me. She told me to turn it down. Wait, then it seem like I did not understand what she was really saying. What? You want me to turn it up? No. What? What am I listening to? It seem like she wanted me to listen to words. Not music. Huh. What? I told her I was listening to music. To answer her question. I mean, duh. I said, "Music, you know." I mean, what else can I say? She did not like my answer. I was mad at that. What else could I say?

She starts squeezing my nose. I start coughing. I might have coughed up snot, maybe even blood, or spit. It was tough and it did not feel good. The next thing I know, I am awaking into the real world. End of story. Thank you, subconscious, but what does this dream mean, if anything? I believe in dreams.

I was at the library.
Minding my own business.
Listening to music.
She comes out of no where.
She tells me to stop.
Stop what?
I was so frustrated.
Turn it down?
Why was she not explaining herself?
She starts suffocating me.
Why did I awake from that dream?
I could not breath.
Why did I not die there?
How did I escape such a girl Smith.
Remember Mr. Smith from the Matrix.
It was a scary dream.
A short dream.
It was partly due to allergies to dairy.

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